Trends In Quality Of Competition In HEMA
What are the overall pre and post Covid trends in terms of Quality of Competition at North American and European HEMA tournaments?
What are the overall pre and post Covid trends in terms of Quality of Competition at North American and European HEMA tournaments?
So, how do you compare HEMA tournaments analytically? I’ve been thinking about this challenge for quite some time, and I think I have an answer.
Does specializing in a weapon make you better at it? Or does diversification improve performance? Can you use data mining to justify buying even more swords?
We all dream of looking as cool as Aragorn, Xena, Cloud, or Guts when it comes to wielding swords, but does that dream become reality when outsiders look at the HEMAverse?
I saw some graphics floating around Facebook a while ago showing the geographical location of top-rated HEMA fencers. These graphics, created by J.J. Conlon, showed […]
Do competitors try to hand snipe their way to victory all the time? Or do they only do so when the rules don’t favor deep targets?
It didn’t work before, but I tried some new things to predict doubles. Could this be the success I have been looking for?
Time to take a stab at predicting doubles. How successful will this be?
Predictive modeling can be a very complex topic, but I’ll take it easy on you and give you some fun HEMA-related examples!
Sometimes even I fall into the trap of the Positive Publication Bias. This is a step towards fixing that.
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