How Does Meyer *Illustrate* a Longsword
Does Meyer depict cutting with the hand on the pommel? Come and learn. (Or don’t read and post a response anyways.)
Does Meyer depict cutting with the hand on the pommel? Come and learn. (Or don’t read and post a response anyways.)
A breakdown of video footage of Robert Childs delivering his trademark start-from-low thrust.
The YouTube channel Turul HEMA recently posed a video attempting to derive the average number of double hits seen in HEMA longsword tournaments. (HEMA Longsword […]
Good fighters find a way to get it done. It looks like hitting them more than they hit you is more important than what the point values of the targets are.
Balance is generally regarded as a very important part of any martial art. And for good reason. If you don’t have your balance stabilized you […]
In a completely non-intuitive trick of physics, adding a fuller to a feder actually makes the sword more likely to take a permanent set. Let’s have a look!
How important is the first exchange? Turns out, it tells you quite a bit.
In the year 2000 Antoinette Gentile published a framework of understanding and classifying motions based on four controlling dimensions. This framework, which has come to be called the Gentile Taxonomy, can help to classify different actions and identify the prime challenges in accomplishing them.
A degree of freedom is the number of directions in which something is free to move. You may be thinking of the three directions, but in this case you would be thinking wrong. The maximum number of degrees of freedom of a rigid body is six.
Things get more brittle when they get cold. But why?
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